Monday, June 04, 2007

Dogs know best!

Have you ever heard that a dog "knows" when an earthquake is about to hit?

Have you ever heard that a dog can "sense" when a tornado is stirring up, even twenty miles away?

Do you remember hearing that, before the December tsunami struck Southeast Asia, dogs started running frantically away from the seashore, at breakneck speed?

I'm a firm believer that animals - and especially dogs - have keen insights into the Truth.

And you can't tell me that dogs can't sense a potentially terrible disaster well in advance.

Simply said, a good ol' hound dog just KNOWS when something isn't right . . when impending doom is upon us . . .when Nature, itself, is being twisted .

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ghetto.. Fresh?!

Ghetto Fresh in OV is getting a make over! Yep, that is correct, the
Farm Fresh in Ocean View is getting a face lift and will no longer be
the scourge of the "View". According to the checkout girl, the
renovations will take about 4 months. So June should bring a fresh face
to fresh food! Yippee.. I cannot wait for the walk in beer cooler!


Monday, February 19, 2007

El Muerto in OV

Thanks to 13 News for this...
54-year-old Dale Ritter was found dead in his home in Ocean View.
Mr. Ritter, who was out on bail awaiting his trial was found dead Friday
Officials said Ritter died of natural causes.
Ritter was on administrative leave from Phoebus High School after he was
charged with having inappropriate relationships with two girls.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Panel advances bill to aid redevelopment in East Ocean View

By HARRY MINIUM, The Virginian-Pilot
RICHMOND - A State Senate committee agreed Wednesday that Norfolk needs
more time to redevelop blighted areas in East Ocean View.
With little debate, and half a dozen Norfolk city officials in the
audience, the Senate General Laws and Technology Committee unanimously
approved SB 1138. Without the bill, sponsored by Sen. Nick Rerras,
R-Norfolk, city officials say redevelopment efforts in East Ocean View
would end in July.
Councilman W. Randy Wright told the committee that the bill has
generated no opposition in East Ocean View, and that parts of the
Chesapeake Bay community remain seriously blighted.
City officials said the legislation is needed because of a law written
by then-Del. Thelma Drake in 2002 that specified that redevelopment, and
thus any taking of blighted property through eminent domain, ends in
Drake, now a c congresswoman, said Wednesday she supports Rerras' bill,
though she doesn't necessarily believe it's needed.
Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority officials said there are as
yet no firm plans to further redevelop the East Ocean View.
The housing authority led efforts to develop a 90-acre area of East
Ocean View where the East Beach community is being built. Approximately
1,600 homes, most of them blighted and some taken by eminent domain,
were razed to make way for East Beach.
However, swaths of dilapidated apartments and rundown homes remain, city
officials said.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Gas Prices

Come quick $1.99 gas at el chepos in OV