Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It Blows in OV

Another nor'easter wreaks havoc on the shores of the Chesapeake and in Ocean View. Flooding by Bay Oaks Park and in the pretty lake neighborhood as well. The fun never ends when it blows especially for the people who live down in Willoughby...
With all the bad, there was some good. Of the number of telephone poles that have been hit and a band aid slapped on them, in front of the Best Western, a phone pole snapped during the height of the storm. Of course this was a temporary fix telephone pole from a previous accident. Mother nature blew it down and the utility company had to come out and replace it with a new one. It is a shame that it take a good blow to cause the city to come out and fix the broken telephone poles. I am tempted to contact the city and have them increase the speed limit on Ocean View Ave to 75MPH. This will cause the utility poles that are hit by the reckless drivers to snap completely in half, thus forcing the city to replace vice repair the poles.


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